Our Services
We offer a number of services to help your business adopt new technologies, improve its processes, and stay on the cutting edge.
Modeling & Analytics
We can support all of your modeling and analytics needs from custom dashboards, data visualizations, and automated reporting to predictive analytics and advanced machine learning models.
Interactive Dashboards
A dashboard is a graphical interface that displays important data, statistics, and visualizations in a concise and easy-to-understand format. The purpose of a dashboard is to provide you with quick and efficient access to important information that can help you make informed decisions.
Here are some key benefits to using dashboards:
Data can be updated automatically. You no longer have to spend a bunch of time refreshing things for that next quarterly meeting.
Dashboards use your data to tell a story. A good story can make the difference between getting your point across and getting bogged down in the details.
It is easy to slice and dice things to see your data from different perspectives. Filtering, sorting, and pivoting require no code or formulas, just point and click!
A dashboard is a self-contained, professional-looking reporting tool. If you need a hard copy there is no need to copy and paste things into a word document and fuss with formatting, that just comes for free.
They are reactive, making them work beautifully on your desktop, your tablet, or a mobile device.
We will work with you to develop beautiful, interactive dashboards for your KPIs. By working with our dashboards, you will not only find the insights you need, you will have fun getting there!
Predictive Analytics
Predictive analytics goes beyond simple reporting of summary statistics. Rather than focus on what has happened, predictive analytics can help us determine what will happen.
Some common predictive analytics products might include:
Conversion estimates & trends
Scenario planning
Our predictive analytics solutions will allow you to discover deep insights in your company data, and help you to build a strong intuition about the future of your business.
Machine Learning Models
Machine learning is a subfield in the field of artificial intelligence that uses mathematical algorithms to detect patterns in historical data and produce models that can make decisions based on those patterns.
Here are some common areas where machine learning models are used:
Image and speech recognition
Natural language processing
Recommender systems
Fraud detection
Medical diagnosis
Our team of experts has developed and deployed countless custom ML models across a number of industries. We can work with you to develop models that are custom fit to your business and your data.
Data & Technology Audits
When it comes to data and technology, It can be challenging to know where to begin. We can work with your team to identify the best next steps on your path to becoming an agile, data-driven organization.
As with all of our products, the data & technology audit begins with a free initial consultation. During that conversation, we are likely to ask you about:
Your short, medium, and long-term goals
Technical shortcomings that you are concerned about
Any pain points or inefficiencies that you are aware of
Open questions that you wish you could answer
After the initial consultation, we will work directly with you and members of your team to determine what process improvements, data practices, and technical solutions make the most sense for your business.
Here are some of the things we look out for:
Recurring tasks that could be automated to free up employee time
Practices that could make analysis of your data more costly or difficult than it needs to be
Outdated tech that could be replaced with better solutions
Lack of visibility into KPIs and important trends
Opportunities to incorporate smart systems and models that would give your business a competitive edge
Opportunities to reduce complexity and cognitive load to help you go faster
Security vulnerabilities
Once we have identified opportunities in these areas, we will provide you with a report of our findings along with a plan of action to help you move from where you are to where you want to be.
Corporate Training
Creating and growing a highly effective data science team requires finding the right people, fostering a culture of innovation, excellence, and transparency, and building out the infrastructure needed to achieve economies of scale. If you are looking to create or grow an in-house data science team, we are here to help.
Talent Acquisition
Finding the right talent can be a big challenge for non-technical folks looking to create or scale out a data science team. This is further complicated by the fact that there is no one-size-fits-all solution. To help you with this, we can:
Help you identify the skills to look for based on your company goals
Create assessments to help vet applicant skillsets
Provide talent acquisition training to hiring managers
Values Workshop
Finding the right talent is only one part of the equation in creating a highly effective data science team. Team members must also be in alignment with one another and with the rest of the business. We have found that a company's core values are the best place to start to achieve this alignment.
We offer a workshop to help data science teams identify their core values and to align those with the core values of the company. The end result is a living document, created by the team, that creates:
clarity of purpose
a sense of cultural ownership
a common language for approaching problems
rules of engagement both internal and external to the team
a tool for identifying candidates who will be a good cultural fit
Communication Workshop
Business leaders and data scientists have a bad habit of talking past one another, leading to frustration and ineffectiveness on both sides. There are several reasons for this. Business leaders and data scientists often:
lack a common language
have misaligned incentives
underestimate the value the other brings
have differing priorities and goals
Our communication workshop serves to bridge the gap, allowing for more productive conversations, shared understanding, and better business outcomes.
Custom Applications
Whether you need a purpose-built web application, company website, an AI-driven smart system, or simply want to automate a time-consuming task, we have the expertise you need to make your ideas a reality.
Quantitative software research and development is more than a means to an end for us, it is our craft. We work to ensure that any application we develop is performant, easy to use, and well documented.
In order to ensure the best possible experience, we offer training and support, through the whole process, that is tailored to the needs of your team.
Here are a few examples of the types of software our team has developed.
Smart call queueing systems
Agent ranking applications
Automated lead scoring
Decision engines
Recommender systems
Data entry automation scripts
Realtime monitoring
Quantitative algorithms
If you have a need for custom quantitative software solutions, reach out to us for a free consultation to discuss the possibilities!